Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Some great ideas

Christmas is a hard time of year for me.  I love the fun traditions like decorating the tree, baking and decorating cookies with my kids, going to see Christmas lights, going to "Jungle Bells" at the zoo with my family, candlelight services at church, etc.  But the commercialism of Christmas drives me absolutely crazy:  spending money for so much stuff that we don't need, when we could use our resources to help others who have real needs.  December comes and I just want to hide under a rock until it is all over.

My husband and I do a pretty good job of keeping Christmas gifts to a minimum, keeping things simple, not spending money that we don't have.  I must admit though, I am not always intentional about how I go about teaching the true meaning of Christmas to my kids.  We talk about Jesus' birth of course.  We read the Christmas story and I tell them that Christmas is not about getting more stuff, but about Jesus, the greatest gift we can ever receive.  I talk to them about these things, but I feel powerless to combat the messages of our culture.

I read a blog post today by my friend Stacie.  I really love her great ideas!  You can read her ideas here.


  1. Love the post Shauna, I struggle with it too...esp. living here, we were so removed from it in DRC. Because of their age the kids are pretty oblivious to consumerism, but I know that will change. I liked the link, they were great ideas. I bought a little book called Truth in the Tinsel which has daily devotionals for kids and crafts. Of course, I haven't done any of them yet, next year!
    Love you,

  2. I can relate to your struggle, Shauna. I also want to encourage you that I think you're doing a good job. Teaching about the meaning of Christmas doesn't only happen at Christmas time. I know that you are continually finding ways to point your kids to Jesus all throughout the year. You are sowing seeds of truth that will grow into mature faith over time by the grace of God. Even the most amazing Advent activities aren't the key to securing their hearts in the love of God. You are loving them daily and sharing the truth of God's love and His Word with them - You're doing a good job! The Holy Spirit working in their hearts will ultimately be what transforms them, even in the face of a culture that rages against the humble King we praise in this season. The Lord will lead you with wisdom into what is right for your family at Christmas time. Don't let anyone else put a burden on you that the Lord hasn't told you to carry. Go with Grace, dear one!
