Sunday, June 27, 2010

Too Much!

This summer is turning into an insane time for me and my family. In the midst of preparing for my 2 week trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we decided that now was the right time to look for a house to buy. Our current landlord is not interested in letting us rent on a month to month basis when our lease ends in July, which means we have to move one week after I get back from Congo. And before all this came up, I volunteered myself to help at Vacation Bible School every day this coming week. Oh yes, plus planning a meaningful birthday celebration for my soon to be 3 year old son!

Put it all together and it basically means that I have one week to get all my supplies and pack for my trip, find an apartment to rent, plan and shop for a birthday party while simultaneously helping at VBS every day, looking at properties and trying to make a wise choice on a home, and spending lots of quality time with my family before I leave for Africa. Am I forgetting anything? I'm sure I am!

All this to say quite simply that I AM FEELING STRESSED. Would you be? I'm trying to remind myself to breath and trust God for the results. If I live to tell about it, I'll be sure to write about God's faithfulness through it all = )

Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."


  1. Whoa, Shauna, you have so much going on!! I will be praying for you!! Wish I could be there to help you out!
    Lots of love!

  2. Hang on to His word! It's true and will uphold you.

    Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a delightful spot to slip off my shoes and drench myself in goodness.

