Monday, August 9, 2010

Kaziba Orphanage in Pictures

Kaziba Orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo
July 2010


Lots of laundry, all washed by hand.

Trying to figure out just how many kids I can fit on my lap at once.  The time felt so limited and each child needed to soak up so much love and attention.

We did some basic trainings on oral hygiene, medical and health, and ways to interact and play with the infants and toddlers and with the preschool age children.

Sweet faces: Some of the babies and children at the orphanage.

Dinner time for the "big" kids.
Dinner time for the smaller kids.
Bottles for a few of the babies.
Views on the drive back toward Bukavu.

Looking out the back window.  It is dry season in Congo right now and everything is very dusty.

I keep thinking I will develop a better ability to put into words my experience and thoughts from my time spent in Congo.  So far that really hasn't happened.  I still don't have the words to describe the needs, the reality, any of it really.  Kaziba Orphanage is "home" to about 30 small children.  Many, many more have spent years there since it opened in the 1950's.  Much has improved at the orphanage since my sister-in-law Holly first "discovered" the orphanage and started helping them out earlier this year.  They have more workers, better nutrition, formula for the babies, some training for the workers, etc.  Much more is still needed.  And this is just one orphanage of thousands around the world.  Most of all, these children are in need of love and family.

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